The Complete 7 Seasons DVD Set
This family sitcom follows the coming of age of young Cory Matthews (Ben Savage), as he navigates high school and college with his best friend Shawn (Rider Strong) and his eventual girlfriend Topanga (Danielle Fishel). Along with his more hip brother Eric (Will Friedle), his loving parents, and his principal/next-door-neighbor Mr. Feeny (William Daniels), Cory experiences all the trauma and joy of growing up. Boy Meets World was an American situation comedy that revolved around the everyday life of Cernelius "Cory" Mathews (Ben Savage), who grows up from a curious Junior High School boy to a matured married man. Each episode in Boy Meets World sets Cory up with a problem or situation, usually it is his childhood sweetheart Topanga (Danielle Fishel), whom he later marries, his best friend Shawn (Rider Strong), his family or his teachers who helps him overcome this problem. In the later part of the series, in their college years, the show started dealing with more mature issues like sex, jealousy, rebellion, etc. ran for seven seasons on ABC from September 24, 1993 to May 5, 2000. The show consistently had top ratings from its debut to its seventh and last season.
Boy Meets World DVD will play in any DVD player, Xbox, Playstation Worldwide.
10 DVD Set
158 episodes