Dynasty was an American television drama series that was aired from April 12, 1981 to May 11, 1989. It runs for nine (9) seasons with two hundred twenty (220) episodes. It is about Carrington family, a wealty family living in Denver Colorado. The series starring Blake Carrington as owner of a big oil empire and as Denver Carrington played by John Forsythe. He often trouble with his wife Krystle played by Linda Evans.The Carrington four children included: Adam who has been kidnapped at birth;Fallon the spoiled brat child and who had an amnesia and then saw UFO; Steven,openly gay; and Amanda who has been forgotten when she left to Europe.
- 32 Disc Set
- 220 Episodes
- Video Format: Normal Screen
- Special Features: None
- Menu's Yes (Interactive Menu for quick and easy episode selection)
- Commercials: None
- Language Tracks: English
- Subtitle Tracks: None
- Rating:Not Rated
- Region Code: 0 (Region-Free - Plays Worldwide) Plays all dvd players, XBox, Playstations Worldwide
- DVD Format: Format-Free DVD-R.
- Ships From USA