The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was based on the Indiana Jones series of films. The series follows the Indiana Jones character (as a young boy and as a young man) as he was growing up and experiencing his early adventures, where he gets into trouble, learns life lessons and encounters various historical figures along the way. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was filmed on location all over the world ~ including England, Russia, Spain, Czechoslovakia, Kenya, France, India, China, Austria, Egypt, the United States, Morocco, Ireland, Italy, Africa, Turkey, Greece and Thailand. This guide is laid out in the original order of the airings on TV. When the series was edited into films and released on video, the order changed. Please see the "Notes" section of the episode guides to see what episodes are on which videotapes. DVD SPECS Video Format: Normal Screen Special Features: None Menu's Yes (Interactive Menu for quick and easy episode selection) Commercials: None Language Tracks: English Subtitle Tracks: None Rating: Not Rated Region Code: 0 (Region-Free - Plays Worldwide) DVD Format: Format-Free DVD-R (Plays in both PAL and NTSC DVD players) FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE, ITEM WILL SHIP WITHIN 48 HOURS OF PAYMENT